Chris Ducker

Why Co-Working Spaces are Invaluable for the ‘New-Age’ Entrepreneur

natalie-coworking-chatAt the beginning of the year I launched a new business – the first ever co-working space here in Cebu City, Philippines, called Location63.

It’s been a remarkable experience, as I’ve seen the resident head count grow steadily since opening our doors. However, one of the best things about the business so far is the people that have dropped in to work there. Everyone from permanent virtual assistants and freelancers, to traveling entrepreneurs and full-blown digital nomads.

It’s been great meeting them all. One of the people that I’ve connected with the most, however, is a true-blue Suitcase Entrepreneur, Natalie Sisson – who I’m introducing you to today.

Not so long ago, I posted on the subject of entrepreneurial loneliness. As someone that really is hopping from one city to another, all around the world, I thought it might be a cool idea to sit down for a bit with Natalie and get her take on co-working spaces in general, and perhaps share a couple of her personal stories.

Check out Natalie telling us all about how she got her bicycle towed in Europe, and more: 

A couple of the points we discussed in this video really rang home with me.

Firstly, co-working allows you to really focus in on your business when you’re on the move – even if it’s just for a single day. Sometimes that focus disappears when you’re traveling, and being in a more ‘business like’ environment can help, for sure.

It’s also important to note that the ability to be able to bounce ideas off of other people that are likeminded and some what in the same boat is worth it’s weight in gold. That community feel with co-working spaces is just as important as the work you’re doing sometimes.

Join Our ‘Book Marketing Adventures’ Group on Facebook

Through bouncing ideas around with Natalie when she was in town, as we’re both in the midst of writing / setting up marketing plans for our first books (hers is launched in June, at World Domination Summit!), we decided to start a Facebook group on the subject. Click here to join our adventures, if you want. Not sure how much time we’ll be spending there on a regular basis, but there will be some cool resources, etc., up there, for sure.

Have you worked at a co-working space? If so, please share your own account and feelings on the subject. If not, where do you prefer to work when you’re on the move..?

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