Chris Ducker

Inside Look: Behind the Scenes of an International Speaking Gig!

Behind the Scenes of an International Speaking Gig

If you’d like to watch the video on YouTube, click here.

Late last year I received an invitation to speak at the Annual Business Blueprint Conference in Phuket, Thailand, which took place at the beginning of February.

I mentioned it on Facebook and was asked by several people to do a bit of an expose (if you can call it that!), on the subject of traveling for a speaking gig, the preparation I go through to speak in front of an audience, etc.

My first cut of today’s video was a little long, but to make it more digestible, I decided on a shorter version where I get to the guts and the glory, leaving out the flowery commenting!

I hope you enjoy the video.

Have you spoken at any international events? Would you like to? What did you think of this ‘inside look’? I’d love to know your thoughts, so please do feel free to comment below. Cheers!

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