I’m much more a podcaster than a blogger, so I thought I’d whip up a little audio segment that you can either listen to right here, by clicking the ‘play’ button below, or take on the road with you. I hope if you have any questions or feedback you’ll swing back to the blog and give me a shout in the comment section, below:
I believe that becoming an entrepreneur is a gradual process. Without a doubt, the #1 thing that holds people back from being a success in business is poor personal financial mindset. It’s odd to me – most people are much better at business finances that personal ones (as an entrepreneur, of course, they’ll be the same thing). That’s probably because there is a huge element of self control involved.
In the included audio, I’ll point to three main mindset shifts you can make that will jump-start your journey into the entrepreneurial class, plus you’ll find out:
- The thought experiment that inspired me to quit my job.
- The only thing you need to know about personal finances (and why you shouldn’t take my advice)
- Some of the key mindset traps that keep people in jobs.
Mentioned in Today’s Audio: Dave Ramsey
Enjoy and leave your thoughts below 🙂