Chris Ducker

Entrepreneurial Lifestyle Design – Be Your Own Boss and Much More!

I’ve been an entrepreneur, my own boss, for close to 10 years now. Living an entrepreneurial lifestyle isn’t as easy, however, as a lot of people think it is. Sure, you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with who you want and to work on whatever you like, whenever you like – but, there is more to it.

It’s a lot of hard work!

However, the pro’s far out-weigh the con’s, thats for sure. In todays video, I talk about why I like being an entrepreneur and living an awesome entrepreneurial lifestyle. It has everything to do with being free, spending time with my family and ultimately getting to do what I love doing for a living, day in, day out.

There is also that factor that being your own boss allows you to be a traveling entrepreneur, available to hop on a plane and get to where you want to be quickly, without fuss and be able to work from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the virtual way of doing business – with web-based email and calendar’s, the sky really is the limit.

The main reason behind this post, however, is for me to convince you to want to live that entrepreneurial lifestyle, too. Whether it be one that is unique to the interent, and making you your money online, or through a more traditional business model – it doesn’t matter.

Now, I’d love to hear from you on why you either WANT to be your own boss, or WHAT you like about being your own boss already – and living that entrepreneurial lifestyle. I look forward to reading your comments below.

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