Chris Ducker

6 Ways to Profit From Your Personal Brand (Part 2 of 2)

In part one of this video series, we discussed the importance of branding and how it isn’t exclusively for large companies and big name brands anymore. As modern audiences become more tech-savvy, they look for connections with real people, which is why personal branding has become such a huge factor for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

We also went over a few different ways that you can profit from your personal brand online, ranging from coaching and creating different kinds of digital products to holding live events (whether they are small masterminds, or actual conferences) – these events can be a complete game-changer when it comes to sealing what your personal brand is all about.

Today we dive into more ‘intermediate’ levels of monetising your brand as we talk about the finer details of affiliate marketing, what many consider to be the ‘holy grail’ of online business profiting and how it can take your tribe up to the next level.

That wraps up this two part series – I hope these six monetization methods have given you an idea on how you can monetize your own personal brand. Just remember that whichever strategy you decide to develop, it’s all about making sure that you create quality solutions that your audience needs!

To recap the six ways to profit from your personal brand, here they are:

There are LOTS of ways to building a business around your personal brand… LOTS! It’s all we talk about inside the Youpreneur Community!

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