Chris Ducker

The ‘Passive Income Threesome’, with Pat Flynn (Part 2): Ideas for Different Types of Passive Income

Passive Income Threesome (2/3) w/ Pat Flynn - Different Types of Passive Income?

Hey! If you’re visiting via the Smart Passive Income blog, thank you for dropping by. You’ll love the content that Pat and I have put together for this video series this week!

On Monday I posted the first part of this 3-part video clip series on the subject of passive income, that I recorded with good friend and fellow blogger, Pat Flynn whilst we were both in Vegas last month for BlogWorld 2010. We had some great feedback from it – if you contributed, thank you. In that video we discussed what passive income actually is as a business model and how it fundamentally works.

In today’s video myself and Pat discuss several different passive income streams ideas that anyone out there can get involved with almost immediately – as long as you’ve got something of value to bring people, obviously!

The fact is that passive income is a hugely hot topic nowadays, and we have talked about it in several posts here on the blog before. I even shot a video on a similar topic to today’s a while back myself. However, in my book, nobody does passive income like Pat, so, I hope you enjoy today’s video, which lasts around 15 minutes as we really get into the conversation, and the content created is great stuff!

Amongst other things we discuss:

This is a great piece of passive income history to get your teeth into. Enjoy the video, and we’ll be back on Friday with the third and final installment in the series where myself and Pat discuss how to actually put your different streams of passive income together, and get them out there to start making you money.

Thanks for dropping by, be sure to come back Friday, and if you haven’t already done so, I suggest downloading my free eBook either below or at the top-right of the website where I discuss, amongst other things, how Virtual Assistants can help you create different streams of passive income.

And, just like on Monday, be sure to drop your notes for Pat and I below, we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! Cheers!

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