Chris Ducker

Why I Want to be a Virtual CEO (Part 2 of 3)

Why I Want to be a Virtual CEO - Part 2

Location: The Beach, Cebu – Reading / Viewing Time: 4mins

So, here we are with the second part in my short, but sweet three-part series of videos on why I want to be a Virtual CEO. In the last clip I discussed being location independent, which basically means I will be able to work from anywhere, any time I like. The goal here is to make it as seamless as possible, however, so nobody even knows I’m traveling, etc.

In this clip I talk about something that, as a true entrepreneur, I do definitely struggle with. And thats being able to act on some of the ideas and plans I put down on paper, be able to expand my business portfolio, and diversify my earning potential as a business owner. So many ideas, so little time…!

The deadline for my goal to become a Full-Time Virtual CEO is the end of this year, and is fast approaching. I must make sure that I remain focused on it, to be able to start living the lifestyle that both myself and my family deserve and desire.

I’ll be back on Friday with the last video of this short series which will include the final and the most important reason behind wanting to become a Virtual CEO – you simply shouldn’t miss it!

In the meantime, why not download my free eBook “Saving the Day, the Virtual Way” to get to know what I’m all about a little more, as well as some tips on working with Virtual Assistants, too.

Hope you enjoy todays post, and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below – just be nice, okay! 🙂

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