Personal Branding

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10 Lessons Learned Writing My First Business Book [Infographic]

When I became an entrepreneur way back in 2004, the idea of writing my first business book to help budding entrepreneurs was always a huge, but distant goal that loomed in the back of my head whenever I sat down to plan out my long-term targets at the end of each year.

When I started blogging and podcasting in 2010 it became something that I thought more about, as my ‘work’ grew in popularity, and I came into contact with more like-minded entrepreneurs. Little did I know it was going to be the catalyst for my author dream to become a reality.

By the end of 2012 I received my first publishing offer!

I ended up not going with that initial offer, but it did make me re-think my goal of writing my first business book a little more seriously. Was I finally ready to put in the work and make it happen? Not too long after getting that first offer, I was introduced to a literary agent, and got straight to work on our first proposal. After sending the proposal to 16 publishing houses, I received four more offers – a buy-in rate of 25%… not bad for a first time author!

The rest, as they say, is history… We recently celebrated the second anniversary of Virtual Freedom, and I wanted to share some of the lessons I learned during my journey to getting published to anyone out there who might be planning on writing their own book in the future.

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In addition to this infographic, and staying on the same subject, you might want to listen to this episode of YoupreneurFM, where I delve into writing a book is one of the easiest and fastest ways to build a profitable online brand.

To take things to the next level, I strongly suggest that you also check out this episode of the podcast, too. This was a real goodie, where I’m joined with my good friend and New York Times bestselling author, Jay Baer to talk about how we can market our book all the way to the bestseller lists and beyond. It’s gold. Trust me.

One thing is for sure… writing a book aint easy! And it’s aint for everyone! But, if you’re focused on getting your word out into the world, it’s still, in my opinion, the best way to do just that and there are so many benefits to writing my first business book that I haven’t even touched on here – perhaps I’ll cover that on another infographic in the future!

Did this infographic help you? If so, please consider sharing it and be sure to tweet me and let me know your biggest takeaway!

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