Personal Branding

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February 2010 “Virtual CEO Goal” Monthly Report

All Work and No Play Makes Chris a Dull Boy - My Cop 'friends' on the Walk of Fame in LA!

Location: Home Office, Reading / Viewing Time: 6mins

Number of Days in the Office: 6, Total Number of Employees: 174

So here we are the second installment / update on what is happening in regards to my personal goal for 2010 – to become a Full-Time Virtual CEO by the end of the year. February has been a slightly less ‘hectic’ month, in terms of individual events – compared to the line-up of things that took place in January – as I was traveling for the majority of the month on my US Pleasure Trip (click link for the trip review!). However, that doesn’t mean that its been a slow month in terms of achievements!

The highlight for February was obviously the aforementioned trip to the US, where not only did I get the chance to relax and spend some QT with my beautiful wife, but where I also got the chance to meet with THREE of my clients with whom I had never had the pleasure of sitting face-to-face with before. One of them had been working with us for almost two years – so that was great.

I also got the chance to meet with a few prospective clients, too, as well as a couple of close friends, such as Sanjay Maholtra (the last video in our ‘San Fran’ series is coming later on this week!). Also, whilst snowed in, in New York, I met up and had a coffee with fellow entrepreneur and VBL blog follower, Doug – who lives there full time. Doug contacted me via Twitter whilst I was already on the trip, in San Francisco, and invited me for a coffee… Why not, I thought! It turned out to be a great conversation, and Doug graciously shot and sent the quick video below to me, too – I haven’t had the chance to post it until now – so, thanks Doug – much appreciated, and next time the coffee is on me!

And as if all this wasn’t enough, we also completed our latest expansion at our facilities, which I blogged about last week, and had some great comments on. As the year progresses and I enter the last month of the first quarter it is becoming more and more apparent for me to realize this goal. Not just because its what I want to do, but because I also feel its what I need to do, to be able to continue to grow as an entrepreneur, too. If you’d like to stay up-to-date with my journey, please do subscribe to my feed to make sure you don’t mess anything. So, here’s February’s round-up:

Important Things that Happened in February

  • Was out of the office for almost 3 weeks with no major fires to put out (good test for my overall, yearly goal)
  • Finished most recent expansion to our offices, adding another 50 agent stations
  • Brought on board 2 new clients and had 2 client visits to the Live2Sell Facility
  • Facebook disabled our original Fan Page, and so I created a new one. Join us HERE.
  • Signed an agreement with one of our long-standing clients to become our US Partner! More new on that in a couple of weeks, after the ‘formal’ announcement has been made. This is awesome news for our growing company.
  • Recorded the first FIVE Podcasts for a project I am working on with a friend and fellow blogger (details coming soon)..!
  • Started pre-lim work on putting together a rehashed, kinda ‘premier’ Virtual Assistant Service – this is gonna be BIG!

Another great month, to say the least – and I did most of it (including recording the Podcasts!) on the road, as they say. That’s it for now. Got some great posts coming in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned, and please spread the love! Feel free to touch base with me on Twitter, too!

If you liked this post, please do leave a comment below – I love hearing from my readers. You can also “Be Sweet and Retweet!” if you like, too. Thanks, everyone!

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