Personal Branding

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How to Embrace a Winning Approach to Goal Setting!

One of the things entrepreneurs struggle with is goal setting.

Maybe not the actual setting of goals, but the execution and the ‘hitting’ of the goals they put in place.

I struggled with this myself, for years – until I hit on a process that works for me, which includes a couple of big goals a year, quarterly goals and then all that broken up into monthly goals – so I can stay laser focused on what that month, quarter and year is all about for me.

That being said, however, last year leadership expert and NY Times bestselling author, Michael Hyatt launched his goal setting program called 5-Days to Your Best year Ever – and it helped me personally get to a whole new level with my own goal setting (you KNOW I’ve had an epic year!!!), along with thousands and thousands of people around the world who signing-up for it.

“This year is going to be different!”

Ever say that to yourself as you start a new year? A lot of people do. Unfortunately, the stats prove that although people have good intentions, things rarely ever change.

The way most people set New Year’s resolutions just doesn’t work.

In fact, the average person makes the SAME New Year’s resolution ten separate times without success. Even worse, a full 25% of people have abandoned their New year’s resolutions after just one week! Crazy right? But, somehow, there are ALWAYS a small percentage of people who DO get what they want each year.

FACT: They aren’t any smarter, or have any more special skills than you, or I.

But they do approach things differently. There are a million things competing for your attention. Whether it’s work competing with family commitments or upcoming appointments and deadlines stealing time from what’s important.

It’s like no matter what you do, you always feel stretched to find time for the things that matter… and the important things are falling through the cracks. Unless you have a winning approach, you’ll likely become one of those “stats”.

Michael (and I!) believe that you can make 2015 YOUR year.

michael and chris ice creamWhen I was having dinner with Michael in Nashville this September (see the image here of us sharing some incredibly tasty bourbon ice cream for dessert!), he mentioned that he had been spending the last few weeks wrapping the shooting and editing of all the new material for THIS years launch of the same program.

I instantly got excited, last years was epic – causing me to make several tweaks to my own ‘system’ for goal setting.

What did Michael have up his sleeve for this year? I quizzed him.

Just the free video series to help launch the program is enough on it’s own to get you started – but, when he started telling me about the changes he has made to ‘Best Year Ever’, I was blown away. He’s completely re-shot the entire course, re-designed the entire UI and is presenting everything in such an easy to digest way – along with several extras, that makes it a no-brainer for any entrepreneur wanting to make 2015 their best year ever – myself included.


Think about three people who have already achieved the kind of success you’d like.

Now ask yourself, what do they have in common? It’s clarity.

Question: What would you like to achieve next year? One big scary, hairy goal – share it below!

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