Personal Branding

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How to Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

There’s going to be more opportunity in the next 12 months than there probably has been in the last five to ten years combined for us entrepreneurs. But, how do you make 2021 really count? In this video and blog post, I’m going to share with you one simple strategy that can change everything! 

If this is the first time that you’re discovering me, I’m a serial entrepreneur and also a business coach that helps people build profitable future proof businesses based around their expertise and the people that they want to serve – I call it the business of you! So, if that sounds like you, you’re in the right spot going forward at the beginning of the year. 

Let’s talk about what is going to happen this year, and how important it is to take the opportunities that come our way seriously and for the right reasons as well. At the end of the day, an opportunity is only really an opportunity if we grab it by both hands, put our energy and time into it, maybe even our finances and our resources into that opportunity, and take advantage of it.

The Power of Saying No

Here’s the thing – in order for us to make sure that we’re creating the mental bandwidth that we need in order to be able to capitalize on those opportunities as and when they come our way, we need to make sure that we’re focusing on the right things and that we’re saying yes to the right things, and no, probably a lot more often.

Why Our Yeses Are a Commodity

Our yeses are a commodity. They mean something and they have value behind them. When we summon up the bravery that we need to be able to say no to certain opportunities, the value of our yeses skyrockets and goes up through the roof! Saying no shouldn’t just be seen as some sort of passive answer that you throw out as and when you need to. 

The fact of the matter is, it is your right to say no. When you’re building the Business of You, a business based around you and your expertise, people come at you from all different angles, wanting to pick your brain or to ask you for a little bit of feedback on this or some information or invite or something on that. You don’t need to say yes to all of those opportunities, in fact actually you should be saying no more.

We’re Always Connected

Now if you think about it, particularly in recent times, we’ve never been more connected as a human race. We’re always connected, all the time.  We’ve also been pre-programmed to think that we need to ‘like’ something that we see from someone that we follow on social media, we need to send them a ‘heart’ or retweet and comment on something – but we don’t actually. We don’t need to do any of that stuff. What we need to be doing is guarding ourselves, our opinions, and we need to be guarding our time, more so than ever before in the history of us building our businesses. 

Focus on Your Audience

Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. On the left hand side, write down all of the things you said YES to, over and over again last year, and on the right side of the paper, write down all of the things you wished you said NO to and see how many things are leftover. 

As entrepreneurs building a business around what we know, what we need to do is instead of saying yes to every little request that comes into our world, or lands in our inbox or in our direct messages on social media – what we need to do is start focusing on the small percentage of the people in our ecosystem, who are going to be willing, and making it blatantly obvious that they’re willing to invest their time, their energy, the money, their effort, but also the mindset into doing whatever it is you can help them achieve.

Continue Showing Up

Don’t get me wrong, be helpful, provide value, record your podcast, shoot your videos, post on social media – do all the things that you do to be great in the world. But, at the end of the day, focus your real energy, that real passion on the projects that makes sense; going to the places and the events that make sense, turning up to the right online calls that make sense, picking up on the right opportunities that makes sense but most importantly, in 2021 going forward, I want you to make sure that you are focusing on and investing in the right people. If you do that, not only will your business thrive through this year, but you will have the best year ever as an entrepreneur, I guarantee it!

Essential Learning Points From This Video

Click here for more information about my Youpreneur Incubator coaching and mastermind program and how being part of this group in 2021 will help you achieve your best year ever!

Thanks For Watching!

There are a lot of videos you could be tuning into today, but you chose mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed today’s video, please share it by using the social media buttons you see on the player at the top of this page and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos like this.

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