Personal Branding

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Don’t Wait for the New Year, Start Planning Your 2014 – NOW!

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 6.08.32 PMWhile a lot of people wait for the New Year to come around to plan out what they want to achieve in the next 12-months, I plan for the upcoming  year in the last quarter of the current year. It’s something I’ve done for a long time, and it’s always served me well.

A lot of business owners leave the planning of a fresh, new year of opportunities until the beginning of it.

I believe, however, that planning a full quarter in advance (if not longer) has been the difference for me becoming more successful in my pursuits, as well as more rounded and experienced from a business ownership standpoint. I just love seeing any type of plan that I put in place come to life, and thrive.

As as example, here are the last few years for me:

In the last quarter of 2009, I was planning my escape from my office, with my goal to become a full-time Virtual CEO by the end of 2010. I achieved that goal.

In the last quarter of 2010, I was planning the growth and marketing push for Virtual Staff Finder for the whole of 2011, literally month by month. It worked – we had an amazing 2011 – although 2012 has been even better!

In the last quarter of 2011, I was planning the changes I was going to make to my online brand and content publishing focus. Although I ran a little late on the initial plan, due to back surgery, I did re-launch my brand (at this site) later in 2012 and it’s turned out to be a great move for me.

In the last quarter of 2012, I was planning my speaking schedule, additional travel and an even bigger focus on content creation and marketing. It’s worked excellently. I’ve spoke at some amazing events, traveled to well over 15 cities worldwide and doubled my readership at this blog, all within 2013.

My Plans for 2014

So, here we are in the last quarter of 2013, and although it’s still early on in the planning stages, I’m already getting unbelievably excited about 2014, and what it’ll hopefully bring my way. Here are some highlights of my plans so far:

vf-left-angleVirtual Freedom – My first traditionally published book will hit the stores (online and off) in April, 2014. There will be a full blown marketing plan swinging into action very soon, and I’ll be focusing on this for most of 2014. It’s easily one of the most exciting things to ever happen to me, and I promise to bring you all along for the ride!

NOTE: If you’d like to pre-order the book, you can do so by clicking here. Hold onto your receipt, as I am putting together a special pre-order only bundle of goodies for those that do!

Info Product(s) – I have plans to put together and market at least two, possibly three different digital products next year. Starting with one course in the first quarter of 2014.

Extended Travel – I’ve been pretty all-out this year and not really taken too much time off. I’m hoping to change that in the third quarter of 2014 with some extended travel with the family. We’ll see how the plans develop on this one!

Tropical Think Tank – My first ever live event, being held here in Cebu, Philippines sold out in 27-hours. I was completely and utterly flabbergasted. Now the pressure is on to stage a brilliant event. My team is already well into preparations.

Speaking Gigs – I want to speak at least 10-times next year. This doesn’t include personal mastermind events. I mean actual conferences, etc. It all starts with New Media Expo in Vegas, this coming January, but if you know of any cool small business and entrepreneurship conferences that I should apply to speak at, I’d love to hear your suggestions (just comment below!).

Secret Plan #1 – I never show all my cards – especially when business is concerned. Listen to this New Business Podcast episode to find out why!

Secret Plan #2 – See above!

It’s going to be an exciting, busy and hopefully very memorable year!

What are YOU Planning for 2014?

So, the question is… have YOU started planning for 2014 yet?

If not. Start. Today.

I mean, what are you waiting for? January 1st, 2014???!!!

Get to work, my friends. You’ll thank me for the early kick in the ass, trust me.

Feel free to share your plans, and hold yourself a little accountable, by commenting below. 

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