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The Virtual Business Lifestyle Top 12 “Lifestyle Design” Blogs

Location: Home Office – Reading Time: 10mins

I am a pretty well read guy. I like reading, always have. I have well over a couple of hundred books and can genuinely say I have read every one of them. Although lately I have been spending more and more time reading online, to keep fully up-to-date with the things people are up to – and as my “Virtual CEO” quest continues, I am reading on the subject of Lifestyle Design more and more.

From reading all the wonderful blogs lately on the subject, I thought it might be a good idea to create a little resource here on my own blog, with a list of the all-encompassing Virtual Business Lifestyle Top 12 Lifestyle Design blogs on the internet – and believe me there are some great contenders! I’d like to point out that these blogs are NOT listed in any apparent order, its simply a collection of great content and great minds! So, without further ado, lets get stuck in.


Corbett Barr’s “Free Pursuits”

Corbett Barr - Free

Corbett Barr is easily one of my fave writers online. He is informative, witty and fun to follow. Free Pursuits focuses on living life to the max now, the way you want to – instead of having to wait until you retire or get rich. His content is always great, up-to-date and I particularly liked his recent article on How to Live a Part-Time Location Independent Lifestyle. Follow Corbett on Twitter @corbettbarr


Johnny Gibaud’s “The Life Thing”

Johnny Gibaud - The Life

I’m a relative newcomer to Johnny and his blog, but what I have read so far was good enough to make sure he was on this list. A very laid back, and enjoyable ‘voice’ is what Johnny brings to the table. Be sure to check out his post How I Owned The Hell Out Of My Email And Reduced It By 90 Percent Without Being Fired. Follow Johnny on Twitter @thelifething


Cody McKibben’s “Thrilling Heroics”

Cody McKibben - Thrilling

Cody tells it how it is. Plain and simple. His direct style, fun-loving attitude towards life, and the realistic way in which is rights and records his videos is something that every aspiring lifestyle designer should engage. Be sure to check out his article Reflections of a Year Living Abroad. Follow Cody on Twitter @codymckibb


Ashley Ambirge’s “Middle Finger Project”

Ashley Ambirge - Middle Finger

Ever since I read the line ‘Don’t let the pink dress fool you…’, I was hooked on Ash’s blog. This beer loving lady rejects the status quo and rebels against mediocrity. Her content is always easy to get stuck into, and sometimes just down-right hilarious. I particularly loved her How to Start a Revolution (Or 3 Ways to Change the World). Follow Ash on Twitter @TMFproject


Karol Gajda’s “Ridiculously Extraordinary”

Karol Gajda - Ridiculously

Karol’s take on lifestyle design is an energetic one, that’s for sure. Karol’s overall goal is to help 100 people achieve ridiculously extraordinary freedom. If you ask me, judging by his excellent content, he must be at least 50% of the way there already! Check out his post Travel Light, Travel Anywhere: The Ultimate Light Packing List. You can follow Karol on Twitter @karolgajda


Sean Ogle’s “Location 180”

Sean Ogle - Location

Sean’s blog has got better and better with time. His travels are vast and adventurous and hi Bucket List is simple incredible. Make sure you check out his post 10 Ways to Enable Your First (or Fifteenth) Trip Abroad. You can follow Sean on Twitter @seanogle


Maren Kate’s “Escaping the 9 to 5”

Maren Kate - Escaping the 9 to

Maren’s was one of the first ‘Four Hour’ type of blogs that I came across last year, and we have since become good friends and hope to team up on something together in the future. Her style is witty, fun and above all, with a very strong emphasis on the entrepreneurial way of life, which I love! Check out her post I’m Unemployable… Are You?. You can follow Maren on Twitter @marenkate


Justin Wright’s “Exploring Life After the Cubicle”

Justin Wright - Life of

Justin writes some really great posts. I find myself, almost all of the time, wanting him to keep going – so, I can continue to read! A big fan of minimalism (I’m getting there myself!), his take on travel and living life to the maximum is very inspiring. Make sure you check out his photos page (great shots) and his recent post Stop Making Excuses – Why There’s Never A “Right Time” To Get Started In Making Lifestyle Changes. Follow Justin on Twitter @jjwright85


Robert Granholm’s “The Life Design Project”

Rob Granholm - Life Design

Rob is an excellent source of information, especially when it comes to breaking down processes and systems and coming up with great ideas on making your life more effiecent and fulfilling. I thoroughly enjoyed his post Niche Play, Social Interaction, Product Production: A Breakdown. Follow Rob on Twitter @robgranholm


Tim Ferriss’ “Experiments in Lifestyle Design”

No introduction needed on this really. Now, I was a big fan of the book – but, Tim has ‘lost his way’ a little bit, in my opinion, on the ‘lifestyle design’ aspect of the book, which was so great. This blog is on this list because of the awesome archive it has. Tons of brilliant articles on how to live a more easier and productive life. One of my fave’s is How to Do The Impossible: Create a Paperless Life, Never Check Voicemail Again, Never Return Another Phone Call. Follow Tim on Twitter @tferriss


Matt Cheuvront’s “Life Without Pants”

Matt Cheuvront - Life Without

I stumbled across Matt’s blog earlier in the year and have been an avid subscriber and follower since. His writing style keeps you turned-on the page, and I particularly like his ‘easy’ approach to life in general. Be sure to check out the excellent post Breaking Away from Generation “Now”. You can follow Matt on Twitter @mattchevy


Dan Andrews’ “Tropical MBA”

Dan Andrews - Tropical

Dan has become a friend and is someone I admire a great deal. He has an excellent blog charting his adventures as a mobile entrepreneur. Plus, he has a nice community of sites and podcasts he is building up, too. I like his frankness and sheer quality in his articles, too. Make sure you check out How to Make $10,000 in One Day. Follow Dan on Twitter @tropicalMBA


So, there you have it. There are bound to be a few people commenting, saying that I have missed this and that blog, but, honestly speaking – these genuinely are my Top 11 lifestyle design blogs. Why? Because of the unique content, the communities they have built and the people behind them. Thanks to all the blog owners featured on this list – you’ve given me hours and hours of great readers, viewing and listening.

If you have any more lifestyle design blogs and resources you think everyone should know about, please do comment below, I’d be happy to feature them in upcoming posts, resource lists, etc. Thanks for the continued support here at Virtual Business Lifestyle!

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