Personal Branding

You’re just 10 steps away from your
own powerful personal brand business!

Announcing the Launch of My FREE 7-Day ‘New Business’ Bootcamp!

Thanks for dropping by on this important day for me. After weeks (in fact a couple of months, lets face it!) of hard work, lots of tweaks and even a few sleepless nights, we’re finally here with the launch of my new site, and my free ‘New Business’ Bootcamp course.

I would like to say, right here and now, a massive thank you to everyone for their support over the last couple of months, and for being so patient with me as I put together the final touches to the site, the bootcamp and everything else that went along with reinventing my online brand.

I think it came out pretty good – what do you think?!

Here’s the Deal: Entrepreneurs Everywhere are Struggling

I’ve spoken with countless small business owners and solo-preneurs over the last few months. Even though they all came from very different, diverse backgrounds and industries, there were several similarities between them all.

Things like not understanding how to market their businesses effectively online; struggling to get new customers for one reason or another; working too many hours and not feeling at all productive; appreciating that they ‘need’ to get active with new media (such as online video and podcasting), but having no clue how to actually get started… the list of problems and issues goes on and on.

It’s now my mission to start bringing some calm to this entrepreneurial storm.

I’m not saying that the content that I’ll produce for this site will answer all their prayers, or present solutions to all their problems. However, if I can help in one way ‘here’, and in another way ‘there’, then I’m going to be feeling pretty bloody happy with myself.

Why I Made My Blogging Change

Many of you might know me from my first blog, Virtual Business Lifestyle. Although that blog became pretty popular, as it grew older (and me with it) I started to get frustrated regularly, as I wanted to talk about and help people on certain topics that weren’t in line with the core ‘lifestyle design’ concept of the blog. So I sat down and worked out what I really wanted as an online publisher and an entrepreneur that enjoys working with and helping other like-minded peeps.

It all came down to simply doing what I love. And that’s helping and creating content for two main groups of people, and they are:

  1. Startup entrepreneurs that, even though they have all the passion needed to kill it with their new venture, lack the ‘real world’ biz smarts needed to actually do it.
  2. Already established (some might say slightly ‘old school’) business owners wanting to take things to the next level in todays ever-changing, fast moving economy, but are struggling to come to terms with it all.

What Can You Expect at

My blogging will now be a lot more actionable. More motivational. When I say that, I mean it’ll motivate you to take action. Period.

The reason behind this is because one of the biggest stumbling blocks I was coming across, time and time again with BOTH of my now core groups of prospective followers was that one of the biggest hurdles they were having problems overcoming in their business… was themselves. More specifically, the lack of themselves taking action. Making changes. Doing something. Anything, to grow their business.

They were simply stuck in the status quo – or, they literally didn’t know how to get started.

So, from now on, I anticipate updating the new blog weekly with content targeted towards those two groups of people and focusing on subjects such as:

  • Blogging for Business
  • Online Video Marketing
  • Podcasting
  • Small Business Social Media
  • Smart Outsourcing
  • eBook Marketing
  • List Building and Marketing
  • Old School Business Principles
  • Much more!
You’re going to see all types of media and content from me. Video, written posts, case studies, infographics, Q&A sessions… you name it. I’m also considering another podcast to go along with the new brand and focus – but, that’s further down the road. Would you listen in?

Atten-huh! It all starts with a Fast-Moving Learning Experience!

Here’s the thing… Even though I have so much planned for this blog and its subscribers, we all need to start somewhere. We all need to make sure that we have a general understanding of all this ‘new business’ stuff, in order to feel the benefits involved in embracing the changes to marketing and growing our businesses.

So, what better way, I thought, than to give everyone the same exact knowledge-base to start off with, and then to take it to the next level (as and when people feel ready, of course) with additional, regularly updated content, here on the site.

Make way for my 7-Day ‘New Business’ Bootcamp!

New Business Bootcamp

It’s a solid, one week course jam-packed with information on everything anyone needs to know to get going with building their business in todays blisteringly-fast economy – in a professional way – as well as at the same time, maximizing their productivity, as well as profitability, right out of the gate.

Is it the be-all and end-all of the business world? Of course not!

But, it’s the best way I knew of condensing down all of the learning, the mistakes I’ve made, ideas and concepts that I’ve tested and had success with and much more, in regards to what I’ve personally encountered over the last few years, getting going online. It’s highly digestible and easy-to-understand, breaking down several topics, day-by-day and everything is put together in a way that anyone with a passion for business can get stuck right in!

Here’s the break-down of the entire course:

  • Day #1 – Introduction & Overview
  • Day #2 – The Importance of Blogging in Business
  • Day #3 – Getting Started with Online Video
  • Day #4 – Utilizing the Power of Podcasting
  • Day #5 – Developing a Strong Social Media Presence
  • Day #6 – Creating & Marketing Your Own eBook
  • Day #7 – Hiring & Working with Virtual Assistants

The course is currently 100% free to anyone that wants to come on board. All you need to do is just enter your name and email at the bottom of this post to get instant access.

So far, I’ve showed it to a handful of people that sit very squarely in either one of the two main groups of people that its (and the blog) been created for, and I’ve had some amazing feedback from them all. One person even said that it made his head spin with so many ideas that he couldn’t sleep that night!


It’s my strong belief that this bootcamp, coupled together with the blog and our already fast-as-hell-growing Facebook Community is pretty much all you’re going to need in the coming months and years to launch your idea, build it, market it, sell it, and grow your business like crazy.

Jump on board, already!

And lastly – What Would You Like to See from Me? 

Although I’ve got plenty of ideas, I’d love to hear about what you’d like to see me produce content on in the future. Just enter your ideas (and demands!) below, and I promise to do my best to put it together for you in the near future.

I’d also love to hear what you think of the new site in general. Please comment below. Please be kind! 🙂

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